Abstract :
Tahu Bukit SME is a house hold industrial which works in tofu production. since a long
time ago Tahu Bukit SME never cares and never prioritizes worker safety. This research
was made for knowing the level of worker accidents, the factors that become, and
encouraging some possibilities point to make the worker healthier and safer in the work
place. The public analyses of Health and Safety used the hazard method and operability.
From Quantative data given from interviews and observations noted 4 processes that can
be affect the risk of milling, risk of burning, and the risk from firing the soybean. beside of
quantitative data made from a pie diagram and table from risk of each production. Next
every risk of work accidents that possibly happen will grouped in a different level of risk
and will showed the level of 10% low return risk accident. The medium level of accident
start in 18% and the high ones 78%. The highest level of accident in Tahu Bukit SME
identified came from root causes analysis so the point of problem of work accidents in each
process can be done as the helps from electrical phase such as lamp and fan, also
completing tool for safety that base on worker health and safety, they need to add a lot of
sign so the worker know which places are flammable and slippery floors.