Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Dhani, Celine Dian Krisma
R Medicine (General)
2023-03-16 04:25:31
Abstract :
Background : Examination of platelet count is one of the important hematological examinations. Hematology laboratory examination errors can occur at every stage of the examination process. One of the error factors that can interfere with the results of the platelet count examination is the delay in sending K2EDTA blood samples to the laboratory and inadequate storage conditions for specimens. Delays in examinations are sometimes caused by the equipment that does not meet the standards of quality and safety, the distance from the ward to the laboratory that is far away, a large number of patients which cause the samples are not immediately taken to the laboratory, or the process of changing shifts on laboratory workers. Due to these circumstances, examination time limits are not given enough attention, and sometimes delayed by up to 2 hours. As a result, it affects the final results on the examination of platelet count. Referring to this matter, the writer aimed to conduct a study on the difference in platelet count in K2EDTA blood which is immediately examined and delayed for 2 hours.
Method : The type of this study was pre-experimental study conducted at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Musi Charitas Catholic University. The subjects used in this study were students of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Musi Charitas Catholic University with a total of 30 respondents taken by using accidental sampling technique. This study used the Apeture Impedance Counters method with the Sysmex XP-100 tool.
Result: The results of the method verification showed a precision value of 0.83%, an accuracy value of 4.69% and a TEa value of 6.35%. The result of the examination of high control material was 562 x 103/uL, which was 1.81 in SD units. The average number of platelet examination result that was immediately examined was 315.83 x 103/uL and the average number of platelet examination result that was delayed for 2 hours was 305.03 x 103/uL. The normality of the data obtained in this study was analyzed by means of the normality test and the results showed values of 0.104 > 0.05 and 0.089 > 0.05, which indicated that the data were normally distributed. The data were then tested by using the paired T-Test and the result obtained was 0.000 < 0.05, which means that there was a significant difference in platelet that is immediately examined and delayed for 2 hours.
Conclusion: There was a significant difference in platelet count in K2EDTA blood which is immediately examined and delayed for 2 hours, namely sig (1-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05.