Perbedaan Kadar Trigliserida Darah Sebelum Dan Setelah Mengkonsumsi Bubur Kacang Hijau Pada Mahasiswa Fikes Ukmc Palembang
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Nainggolan, Ruth Ratasia
R Medicine (General) 
2023-03-17 05:19:13 
Abstract :
Background : Research on legumes is not much found. One example of beans that we often found on daily basis is green beans. Consuming green beans can fulfil the protein needs of our body. The protein contained in green beans can lower the levels of triglycerides in blood. This triglyceride levels decrease is because green bean protein can induct adiponectin and decrease the synthesis of triglycerides through insulin. Method : This research is pre-experimental with a comparison of Sample Static group comparasion used by students of the Faculty of Health Sciences UKMC Palembang. Samples were taken using Sampling Technique to the group of 30 random people. The tools used are Byosystem A-15 with Biochemistry Control Serum Control Material Lv.1 and Lv.2 performed for 21 consecutive days. Before taking blood, respondents were first asked to fast for 12 hours, and then the blood was taken for sample. After blood taking, the respondents consumed green bean porridge. After consuming green bean porridge, respondents were expected to not eat for 2 hours and don?t do physical activity for blood collecting after treatment. Statistic analyzing is done using paired test. Result : It is obtained that average blood triglyceride levels before consuming green bean porridge is 74.63 mg/dL and after consuming green bean porridge is 72.78 mg/dL. These results stated that there was no significant difference in the examination of triglyceride levels before and after consuming green bean porridge with a value of p=0.428 (p>0.05). Conclusion: It is concluded based on this study that there is no significant difference of triglyceride levels on body because consuming green bean porridge does not lower the levels of triglyceride. 
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Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas