Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Mulky, Siti Kharisma Dewi
R Medicine (General)
2023-03-17 06:20:44
Abstract :
SITI KHARISMA D.M, NIM : 1634002, 2020. The differences of Platelet Count Result by 8 times Inversion Secondary Homogenization Technique and without Secondary Homogenization Technique. Thesis. DIV Study of Medical Laboratory Technology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Musi Charitas Catholic University, Palembang.
Background : Hematology examination is one of the activities in the clinical laboratory. The most commonly hematological examination was requested is platelet examination. The blood which were collected with anticoagulants must be homogenized by inverting the tube 8 ? 10 times according to BD Vacuntainer and CLSI. The blood have been primary homogenized needs to be secondary homogenized if it was left for a certain time before examination to make the cells are normally distributed. Nowadays, the secondary homogenization procedure was not standarized. It could be seen in the variation of secondary homogenization in the laboratory. The purpose of this study is to know the differences of the platelet result from blood that secondary homogenized and without secondary session.
Methods : This study is a pre-experimental study with a Static Group Comparison research design. Platelet examination used the Sysmex Xp-100 with the Apeture Impedance Counters method. This subjects were 30 peoples. All of the samples got the primary homogenizing procedure then standed for 30 minutes. (P1) after 30 mintues the samples were examined without homogenization. (P2) The samples that had been secondary homogenized 8 times were then examined. Data from the two parameters above were tested by using the paired t test with 95% confidence level.
Result : The average of the platelet result in data group whitout secondary homogenized were 98,2 x 103/?l and the average of the result of platelet eximination with inversion secondary homogenization were 321,56 x 103/?l. Both data were examined statistically than showing significant difference in p = 0,000 (< 0,05).
Conclusion : There is a difference in the platelet count between secondary homogenized and non-secondary homogenized inversion for 8 times.