Abstract :
Reading is one of the difficult skills that should be mastered by the students. When the students read the text, they must understand the content of the text. Teaching reading can be taught by using some strategies in order to help the students understand the text easier. One of the strategies that can be used for teaching reading is ?Drama Performance Strategy.? This strategy can helps the students understand the text with pleasure.
This study was to know the significant influence of drama performance strategy on students? reading narrative text or not between experimental group and control group. This study was conducted in MAN 2 Gresik. The researcher took two classes as the samples of this study; they were X-IPA 1 and X-IPA 2. Each class consisted of 32 students. The design of this study was quasi experimental design. The data was collected from pre-test and post-test as the instrument. After getting the data, the researcher analyzed the data by using SPSS 16.0 program.
Based on the result of data analyses, the research finding showed that there was significant effect on the use of drama performance strategy on students? reading narrative text between experimental group and control group. The researcher found that the sig. (2-tailed) of both groups was 0,032. It was less than the level of significance 0,05 (0,032 < 0,05). It indicated that ?Drama Performance Strategy? significantly influence students? reading narrative text. It was proved that the strategy could be effective and influence students? reading narrative text.
From the research finding the researcher conclude that there was a significant difference between control group and the experimental group. The result showed that there was different in skill between control group and experimental group after the treatment.
Based on this research, the researcher gives some suggestions. First, English teacher should choose interesting strategy for teaching. Second, students should cooperate with teacher to make the teaching learning process run well. The last, the next researchers are hoped to create short narrative scripts.