Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik
Samudra, Agus Ilham Palwa
Electronical Engineering
2019-10-08 11:44:58
Abstract :
The process of making sprouts from green beans requires a continuous watering process. Watering begins when the temperature and humidity of the green bean plant reaches the specified parameters with a temperature of 34 ˚C and humidity of ± 80%. Because in that situation, green beans can grow optimally. When the parameter reaches the setpoint it causes green beans to decompose easily while the temperature is less than 30 ˚C 50% RTH the growth of green beans into sprouts will slowing down. In this paper a one phase full bridge inverter is made using the SPWM switching method to control the speed of a single phase induction motor for the process of watering sprouts. In addition, fuzzy logic control (FLC) is used as a control to classify the output frequency of the inverter based on the temperature and humidity read. With FLC, the water discharge splashed for the watering process can be adjusted to maintain accuracy at 34 ˚C to 30 ˚C or 50% - 80% RTH. Along with the decrease in temperature and humidity of the sprouts due to the watering process, there is an automatic frequency change at the inverter output between 50Hz - 30Hz. Speed regulation by classifying frequencies based on parameters using fuzzy logic control can maintain temperature and humidity according to parameters with a watering process time of ± 5 minutes.