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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
J General legislative and executive papers 
2012-06-28 03:51:52 
Abstract :
Vilna Rosana, 2009, 06230018, University of Muhammadiyah Unlucky [of] Faculty Social Science and Politics, Majors Science of Pemerintaham, Implementation Policy Of Free Zona [of] Worker Of Child [In] Sub-Province of Kutai Kartanegara, Counsellor Of I : Prof. H. M. Mas`Ud Said Phd, Counsellor Of II : Drs. Krisno Hadi Fenomen worker of child which till now its it progressively mount, requirement of economics which base on child profession go out as worker actor is the reason of base, because requirement which progressively excelsior day in adding with limitation of education strengthen reason for child to become worker. UU which in releasing government in UU no. 23 year 2002 about Protection of Child not yet kiat memberika in abolition of worker of child Realizing that child is generation going on aspiration development of future hence government of Sub-Province of Kutai Kartanegara through my SPANDREL ENERGY program with focus [at] is, first, Development Of SDM, Both, Economics Nationality, third , Social Services. Hence worker of child enter at the program target through development of SDM. Early in launching program it which in giving the name of Free Zona of Worker of Child year 2002 amount of child counted 11.623 people. Governmental Kemidian give umbrella punish as lasing of abolition of worker of child in Sub-Province of Kutai Kartanegara by releasing Perda No.9 Year 2004 about Free Zona of Worker of Child. In this research, method which is researcher use is descriptive method, while data collecting technique the used is to through observation, conducted interview at 3 people of research subyek, and documentation. Target of accurate researcher of this problem is to know how implementation policy of local government of Kutai kartanegara to Free Zona program of Worker of Child Later;Then technique analyse data which is writer use is data analysis qualitative. As for its research location have of place to in Sub-Province of Kutai Kartanegara In this research, method which is researcher use is descriptive method, while data collecting technique the used is to through observation, done interview at 3 people of research subyek, and documentation. Target of accurate researcher of this problem is to know how implementation policy of local government of Kutai kartanegara to Free Zona program of Worker of Child Later;Then technique analyse data which is writer use is data analysis qualitative. As for its research location have of place to in Sub-Province of Kutai Kartanegara. Result of research which is writer conduct that is abolition and prevention of worker of child through Zona program of Bebar Worker which till now policy of tersenut still in running. Policy which in releasing aim to be is first, to improving quality and prosperity of child, both, improving to access and strengthen formal education quality and amount and non is formal, third, [doing/conducting] cooperation in improving awareness will the problem of worker of their rights and child to get to education. To four, integrating program development of education, health, social and economic. To support program fluency of local government make special team that is Committee of ZBPA to handle program of ZBPA and problem worker of child. The team huddle up related/relevant on duty related to handling of worker of child, the on duty that is On duty Labour as supervisor and arrange in order by channelling note of pemerikasaan which in character commemoration to rule related to work of child, besides on duty this performing a good socialization in form of counselling, spreading of sticker in every house regarding dubious which in giving if designedly employ child and exploit, On duty Education with program is obliged to learn and year 2010 all child taste education program 12 year besides to area - purilieus which is distance go to school far the including anar go to school SD and of SMP , hence in making SATAP ( school one roof), External Education of School through package program of A and of B, besides giving skill so that child have membership and developing it, Social to on duty through activity in Reformatory and of panti social. Dinas-Dians above to give related/relevant treatment is preventing and abolition of worker of child. In this research, earn in concluding that effort government in abolition and prevention of worker of child organiz , and succeed to degrade the amount of worker of child by signifikan, report which in earning researcher of last result in August 2009 amount of worker of child remain 13 people, governmental goals for the Sub-Province of Kutai Kartanegara is " Zero Worker of Child". Resistance concerning this policy implementation only reinforcement butuh return to team which have [in] form so that this policy will remain to walk and prevention remain to in doing/conducting although have reached goals. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang