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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Rahmanto, M. Dedi
H Social Sciences (General) 
2023-06-16 06:14:46 
Abstract :
Background of this research is the phenomenon of people, who admits that their profession is as journalist but work for unidentified mass media. The prior study shows that most of those journalists break the rules. For instance, they ask for incentive to the news resource-persons on the performed coverage. The incentive can be in many forms. They are not only asking, but sometimes they also force the informants to give it. This kind of journalist is called by ?bodrek journalist?. As the results, the raise of ?bodrek journalist? indirectly has betrayed journalist profession in the public eyes. That is why, journalist?s loyalty in maintain the truth is very important to do for the sake of journalists? responsibility to public. Based on the background, this research wants to review about how the respond of journalist organization in Malang City to deal with ?bodrek journalist?. To obtain the expected result, this study chooses Independent Journalist Alliance (AJI) administrator of Malang City as the informants. Further, this research uses descriptive qualitative method. Data collecting technique uses interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis technique is processed in induction, interpretation, and conceptualization stages. The research informants consist of three administrator of AJI of Malang City, that is: leader, secretary, and coordinator of organization development division. To test data validity, it uses member-check. The research results indicated that according to informants, ?bodrek journalist? matters is not only journalist organization responsibility, especially AJI, but it also all parties?, both government, security apparatus, and society. It is because ?bodrek journalist? phenomenon is an impact of excessive press freedom. It is a complex problem, so in order to exhaust it cannot be done one-way but should pass through the existing ways. To minimize the appearance of ?bodrek journalist? in Malang City, AJI make various training and seminary on journalistic rules to its members and also government public relations. From the obtained data, it can be drawn a conclusion that AJI of Malang City is urging and sounding only on its members and also government public relation of Malang City to comply with the applied journalist rules. AJI of Malang City cannot just as strict with ?bodrek journalist?, because AJI consider that ?bodrek journalist? is a criminal action, thus the one having authority to punish them is policeman. Thus, it is expected that AJI of Malang City should be able to give input to Press Council to discipline unidentified mass media and also to review one? feasibility in establishing a press company. So that it is expected to be able to press any deviation form of journalistic rules and able to settle this ?bodrek journalist? matter. 

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang