Pengembangan User Interface Pada Aplikasi MyUmm Mobile Menggunakan Double Diamond
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Rafly, Adam Nur
QA76 Computer software 
2023-11-18 01:35:04 
Abstract :
In the Myumm Student application, previous user interface development was only based on developers, so user involvement was needed in user interface development in order to produce a good user experience. Stage 1 evaluation was carried out to find out students' opinions about Myumm Student. The results show that the average SUS score is 32 with a grade scale of "F", adjective rating "Poor", acceptability ranges "Not Acceptable", and the net promote score or user satisfaction level is "Detractor". This shows that user acceptance of the MyUMM Student application is still low. Users have not fully accepted this application as a helpful system in solving their problems. Therefore, the user experience in using Myumm Student is not very satisfactory. In this research, a redesign was carried out using the double diamond method through divergent and convergent concepts in problem solving. Research begins by understanding the research problem with users to testing the prototype on users with usability testing. After testing the prototype on the solution design, a better score was obtained than the initial design of the MyUmm Student application. The solution design experienced an increase of 79, with the grade scale becoming "B", the adjective rating "Good", the level of user acceptance "Acceptable", and the net promote score indicating the level of user satisfaction as a "Promoter". This shows that users accept the system well and are satisfied with its use. 
Institution Info

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang