ANALISIS USAHA SIRUP BUAH BLIMBING (Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Karangsari Kecamatan Sukorejo Kota Blitar)
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Pratiwi, Dian
HB Economic Theory 
2012-06-29 03:53:59 
Abstract :
This research is a case study on domestic industries in the village Karangsari City of Blitar "Business Analysis Blimbing Brand Syrup" fir SARI "and Brand "VITA SARI TASTE". The purpose of this study were: To describe the processing activities Blimbing syrup made Blimbing syrup producers, measuring the value added created Blimbing syrup producers, know the size of industrial labor absorption home Blimbing syrup stairs, to find out how the cost structure obtained in the industry Blimbing syrup household income received and learned at home industry Blimbing syrup stairs, knowing kendalakendala faced what Blimbing syrup processing. This study used data collection method using time series data is continuous data collection or successively, in this study data taken as of the production process for seven times (7x) produksi.Analisa process the existing data on this study is to analyze the value-added, cost structure, revenue analysis. Value added in industry household brands "fir SARI" is USD 11.000/kg material standard. Gains derived by the amount of USD 9750 with a 88.6% rate of return. So domestic industry is experiencing the benefits for doing produksi.Nilai added industrial brand "VITA SARI TASTE" is USD 6510/kg raw materials. Gains derived that is equal to USD 5595 with 85.94% profit rate. So the brand industry "VITA SARI TASTE "is also experienced benefits similar to domestic industry brands "Fir SARI". 
Institution Info

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang