KETAHANAN SOSIAL KOMUNITAS SEKTOR INFORMAL(Studi Bentuk Ketahanan Sosial Pada Komunitas Pemulung Di BantaranSungai BrantasRT 7 RW 5 Kelurahan Penanggungan Kecamatan Klojen, Malang)
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Romadhani, Dwi Indah
HM Sociology 
2012-06-29 06:11:48 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT The adopter phenomenon in Malang as a part of sector job as the as the excess of formal sector job that imbalance to the job seekers. The urban people those comes to the town with hope of better living should find out other alternatives in informal sector job. No good skill and low education makes them in the marginal position. Functionally, the exixtence of adopter help a lot for goverment in decreasing the volume of people trashes, even only for some kind of trash that could be recycle. But there are alot of negative construct of the people for the adopters. It because of the profession of adopter is risk to crime acts, such as steal. The life of adopter urban identical to dirty living that breaks the looks of the town makes them more did not have bargaining. A lot of pressures, socially. Economically, even politically. For eighteen years they have lived inflood plain of Brantas river. It is proved that they immunity or resistance in facing the pressure to be survive. The study is purposed to find out the social resistance of the adopter community in flood plain of Brantas river RT 7 RW 5 Penanggungan Village Malang. This was qualitative descriptive method research, setting in adopter living in flood plain of Brantas river RT 7 RW 5 Penanggungan village Klojen district Malang. As the research subject it was chosen 9 adopters. The data colection method was used observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis was used qualitative descriptive analysis. From the research results there are three forms of sosial resistance adopter community those are: social, economic and political. Social resistance were seen from relationship to community interact to the outside neighborhood and to their own groups. The economic resistance were identified from their way in fulfill their family needs. The political resistance were identified by using their way in solving the pressure as the norm an organization or an institution wich is little profitable. The results of the study also shows that they are a classic adopter where they are not touch with recent modern technology. Although they already has a network but their orientation is still sibsistent. The data were analyzed by using structural functional theory of Talcott Parson to analyze the form of social resistance of adopter community by systm functional condition, those are AGIL analysis, where economic resistance form is adominant manifest from the adaptation function wich are consists of adaptation: the reach of economical needs to be survive as a Goal Attainment. Collective action: in out relationship as a form of Integration in protecting their group, and Latency that formed by the community in implanting the economic value for their children. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang