MAKNA SOSIAL DALAM IKLAN ROKOK( Analisis Semiotika Iklan LA Lights Versi Delay )
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
H Social Sciences (General) 
2012-06-30 03:02:16 
Abstract :
One of the cigarretes advertisement that the writer interested in doing the study is the advertisement of LA Lights Delay version, thats because the writer found there is something illogical activity in the visualization at the airport. That activity seems illogical because airpot is an air transportation terminal. Those visualizations which have several meanings in them can be analized into a meaning. This study is using semiotics analysis approach. Semiotics or semiology according to Barthes (Sobur, 2004:15) is in fact theory that study how humanity gives meaning to things. To give a meaning to abjects is not only bringing the information of the objects that communicate but also constituting the structural system of the sign. Stokes (2007:76) stated that semiotics is a very interpretative method in analizing texts, and its success or failure based on how good the researcer capable in giving the meaning of the case. The messages that sent to the receivers is managed through a series of convension or code that was devided into type points by Barthes. They are Hermeneutics code, Semantics code, Simbolics code, Proareitics code and culture code (Tinarbuko, 2008:18-19). Data collection was done by downloading the video of LA Lights advertising Delay version on The scope of this research is LA Lights Delay version in 30 seconds duration, that consisted of 10 scenes and 28 shoots. The approach of this research is interpretative qualitative . This research was studied by making analysis unti which covered verbal namely voice over and texts and for non verbal covered settings, actings, shoot types, camera movement and angle. The meaning table of this research referred to Roland Barthes sign map that devide into connotative and denotative meanings on the first and second steps which based on the myth. The meaning in LA Lights advertising delay version is the reality of delay phenomenom thet often happens in Indonesian aviation. It also containts LA Lights critics to the aviation officers that they have to give some refreshment to their passangers when the delay happens so that the passangers will not have feeling of stranded. Another meaning can be found in the advertisement is that Indonesian society don’t care about the delay so that this phenomenon becomes a culture and gives an image to Indonesian people that they are popular with “jadwal karet” and undiscipline. Beside those mentioned above, this advertisement known that cigarrete can damage the young Indonesia generations, however the goverment is not strict in managing the cigarretes distribution in Indonesia, more over they support the distribution happen so that cigarretes advertisement shows its existence in its product distribution. After doing this research, the writer hopes that the public can be wiser and critical in accepting an advertisement and not take it for granted. With those research media will not easily influence the public as what they want. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang