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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
BF Psychology 
2012-06-30 03:06:28 
Abstract :
Until recently, there has not been a good supporter of the theory to explain why antisocial personality can be developed. Existing evidence about the causes of antisocial personality disorder is a study of foster children in genetic factors indicate that the environment's role in revealing the antisocial and criminal behavior. The combination of biological factors antisocial behavior and poor environments was instrumental appearance of interference. This study aims to find out what causes a person experiencing antisocial personality disorder (etiology of antisocial personality disorder). This research is qualitative research that uses the application of case study method as a medium it into practice. The subjects used in this study is that the characteristics of individual symptoms of antisocial personality disorder according to DSM IV. The number of subjects used in this study were 2 people with the initials WAS and NR. Data collection method used in this study are in-depth interviews and psychological tests. Checking the validity of data is done by using the techniques of research trianggulasi.Dari found two etiologic factors antisocial personality disorder, namely: (1) Social Factors that bad parenting is not optimal from the family led to the development of the superego of subjects, from both the subject experiencing the pressures of psycho-social originating from the environment surrounding the subject. This factor is a condition that is not harmonious family, is not conducive, or chaotic and interpersonal relationships and influences that are also not conducive. A history of violent behavior of parents is a source of modeling for the subject, (2) Psychological factors are not developed superego function, where the subject is difficult to comply with the applicable rules or norms in society. Personality characteristics of both subjects impulsive, aggressive, and low empathy, also contributed to the birth of the disturbance. In addition, to meet one of their basic needs, namely the need to be owned and loved by others (belonging and love needs) and the need for self-esteem. Both subjects, while performing antisocial behavior, hoping that by doing these behaviors to meet their needs. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang