PENGARUH IKLAN INDOMIE VERSI SATU SELERA TERHADAP POSITIONING PRODUK (Studi pada Masyarakat RW III Desa Plumbangan Kecamatan Doko Kabupaten Blitar)
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
HD Industries. Land use. Labor 
2012-06-30 03:49:14 
Abstract :
Television have became new religion in our society because without television they feel uncompletely. From the television our society can know the latest even that is being gotten by people in the world. Each of the television programs has certain advantages for the beholders. Therefore, the station television gives programs which can be enjoyed by all of beholders in everytime. And as usual, the programs which are displayed by every television station is always followed with advertisements. Similarly, the advertisements on the television contain the positive messages. It is like indomie advertisement of one taste version that reflects indonesian culture variety and isn’t had by another countries. In the advertisement was displayed the dance of some ethnics and sing by using the local dialect of ethnic itself. So, the visualization an audio which was displayed could influence the society as the beholder to choose the main product of indomie and it was favorited by society. Basicly, this research intended to know what is any influnce and how big is the influence of indomie advertisement of one taste version to the product positioning This research was the explanative asiciative. And the basic was survey. The population was society in Rw III Desa plumbangan Kecamatan doko Kabupaten blitar. Random sampling was used as the technique. The data collection used questioner and documentation. Then te data analysis used regression linier. Finally, the result of this result showed Y=51,975 + 0,495X. It meant that indomie advertisement of one taste version had positive influence to the product positioning. The big of influence could be seen from the coefficient determination that showed value 0,134. It explained that indomie advertisement of one taste version influenced the product positioning 13,4% and the remain was influnced by another variable. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang