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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
H Social Sciences (General) 
2023-04-06 07:30:01 
Abstract :
Daily of Public (HU) Galamedia, representing rising local media in town of Bandung and its surroundings. Representing one of the media which in execution of its activity as company of out for mass media realize one of the its function as a means of education to society. This matter can be seen from one of the its rubric that is Rubric " Remaja". This Rubric load containing column of opinion or view of education circle, in this case is them all student of SMA and also all instructor go to school in looking at and also lift issues in educational as application one from four mass media function namely as education media. In rubric "Remaja", there are column "Curhat" which is article is fillies centering on the problem of related to adolescent world and also education. At this rubric through column " Curhat" have to follow all student and also student to think rational in critical various issue expanding [in] society [pass/through] article media. Of background, hence this research internal issue formula Is there any influence of rubric exposure "Remaja" to enthusiasm write article among student of SMA Country in Town of Bandung and if there is, how big influence of rubric exposure "Remaja" to enthusiasm write article among student of SMA Country in Town of Bandung? Rubric exposure "Remaja" also represent inauguration process or cultivation a[n existing trust and confidence to a[n certain phenomenon through mass media. While enthusiasm write to represent arising out attitude [at] circle student of SMA Country coming from attention posed at by [all] student. In this research use theory of S-O-R where this theory relate at change of attitude of communicant. Both Theory the used is theory learn, where this is theory more is emphasizing of role of environment and situation as source of cause of behavior. More special again, this theory analyze social behavior in term "association studied" between and stimulus of respond. Research method in this research is method of correlation that is method used to look for relation among two existing variable (Rakhmat, 2003:27). this Research type of research of explanation, where this research aim to test influence between variable which [in] hypothesizing and to explain influence between free variable and variable tied. While its research base is research of survey, that is research of conducted] research at small and also big population, but data studied by is data of taken away from by sample is population, so that found by events relative, distribution, and relation between variable of sociologist and also is psychological. Population in this research [is] the overall of the amount of student from 5 (SMA Country lima) and from 5 (different regional lima) [in] Town of Bandung. Technique intake of sample to be used by Cluster Sampling. By using amount of intake of Taro Yamane sample hence amount of sample in this research is equal to 98 student of specified population. Technique analyze data which is used in this research is technique analyze linear data modestly with aim to anticipate coefficient of regression to attend of[is level of its major effect of free variable that is Rubric exposure " Adolescent" to variable tied that is enthusiasm write article among student of SMA [in] Town of Bandung. From result of analysis which have been done, researcher find the existence of influence between Rubric exposure "Remaja" in HU Galamedia to enthusiasm write article [at] environment student of SMA Country [in] Town of Bandung. Equal to 61,2% totalizing responder express enough pay attention column "Curhat" at rubric " Adolescent" but Rubric exposure "Remaja" less is giving of stimuli meaning to enthusiasm write article in environment student of SMA Country in Town of Bandung. While counted 43,9 % responder express to hesitate that enthusiasm write existing in self of him represent enthusiasm write article. Level of contribution of exposure Rubric " Adolescent" in HU Galamedia (X) to enthusiasm write article at environment student of SMA Country [in] Town of Bandung (Y) is equal to 30,8 %. While the rest 69,2% enthusiasm variable student of SMA in making article as formed of response the existence of Attention, Congeniality and Acceptance of student to Rubric " Adolescent" will be explained by other variables which do not be explained in this research 

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang