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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Fitriyanti, Hernani
BF Psychology 
2012-07-05 04:26:16 
Abstract :
Health problems in Indonesia is still considered expensive for some people, especially for those who are middle to lower economic status. Health behavior is meant here is a pattern of behavior, actions and habits related to health care, such as washing clothes, bathing, fetching water for drinking and other household needs to done by mothers to drink and use for other household done by the housewives in the river where the water is not necessarily clean. Very cultural values determine how people make sense of health, so it is very influential on their work behavior. Cultural values give rules about the role of good work that affect the demand or expectation of good health behaviors were also different. Sensitivity to the values of health are very necessary in the setting of interaction with different health behaviors cultural backgrounds, so there is no misunderstanding. This study aims to determine: (1) What is the back of a housewife so many still use river water as the purpose of his life. (2) perception of the mothers home on river water. (3) perceptions of mothers about household cleanliness and health. (4) to determine their attitudes towards the use of or using the toilet and water storage barrels PDMA who provide the government as a public facility in the village. The subjects in this study were 5 people in the village housewife Banua Halat Kiri Tapin District of South Kalimantan are still using river water for domestic use everyday. Research methods in this study used qualitative data collection method in the form of interviews and observation. The results of this study indicate that: (1) the background of the mothers of households still use river water because it has become a tradition, more efficient, more practical and the presence of myth in the morning to fetch water for consumption and without boiling could bring blessings, prevent or cure from various diseases. (2) The mothers argued that households in the village river water is still fit for use for domestic purposes everyday because the water was clear and it feels natural. (3) Being hygiene home mothers do that is like a shower three times a day, before or after meals should wash their hands, diligent in providing home and neighborhood once a day and by familiarizing members of the family for not littering. While health, mothers apply with the household washing fruit or vegetables before consumption, keep the pattern of three meals a day, regular sleep 7 hours a day, and clothing should not be used more than twice. (4) The subjects are reluctant to use public toilet facilities and shelters keg taps which made the government because it is not used to it, is impractical and costly. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang