Nilai Kepahlawanan dalam Cerita Rakyat Madura Joko Tole
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Maimunah, Siti
L Education (General) 
2012-07-24 02:02:54 
Abstract :
Research on the Value of Heroism in Madura Folklore Joko Tole, motivated because they want to preserve, develop, maintain, build traditions and cultural heritage of folklore. Folklore as a result of local culture should always be preserved because it is one of the national culture. This research will discuss about the values contained in the folklore that originated from Madura. This value is in the form of heroism which is owned by Joko Tole, a legendary figure from the island of Madura. The general objective of this research is to obtain a description of the value of heroism embodied in folklore Madura Joko Tole. The specific aims are clear manifestation of the heroic defense of the true value of courage, bravery defend homeland, the value of honesty in yourself, honesty in others, the value of sacrifice for their own local communities, other local communities. In line with the problem and research objectives, this study used the historical approach of solving the problem by using past data or relics. Data obtained in the study of language exposure in the form of verbal information orally. Research findings are as follows: (1) value in the form of heroic courage to defend the true value of tangible courage shown a hero that comes with selflessness, (2) the value of heroic courage in the form of tangible homeland maintain the courage to sacrifice body and soul to defend the homeland, (3) the value of heroism in the form of the value of honesty to yourself tangible honesty of each of the heroes of honesty to ourselves, because the heroes in the struggle to pass up never expect any form of fringe benefits, (4) the value of a form of heroism value honesty in others owned by tangible honesty by attacking a hero to others, so many people happy about their existence, (5) the value of heroism in the form of sacrifices for their own local communities tangible sacrifices made by heroes to defend the truth and defend the sovereignty and integrity area, (6) the value of heroic sacrifice in the form of value to other areas of society by the heroes of tangible sacrifice for the benefit of all communities, though not their own areas of society. In line with the research findings and is associated with various phenomena that occur in the reality of community life, suggested the following things. First, folklore is very good to be enjoyed because in it talking about human life, which contains the values and advice-advice for life. Second, folklore is the result of local culture should be fostered and developed, because local culture is part of the national culture. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang