PENGARUH INDEKS PELAPORAN KEUANGAN MELALUI INTERNET TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN (Survey pada Perusahaan dengan Nilai Kapitalisasi Pasar Terbesar Tahun 2011)
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
HB Economic Theory 
2015-01-12 06:56:43 
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to describe the practice of disclosure of internet financial reporting and test the influence of IFR index of companies that have the biggest market capitalization in 2011. This research is a descriptive associative research, a research which describe or explain the practice of disclosure of internet financial reporting by companies with biggest market capitalization in 2011 and examined the influence of IFR index of companies that have the biggest market capitalization in 2011. In this research there is a population of 50 companies with the biggest market capitalization in 2011. Samples used were as many as 48 companies of which has been done through internet financial reporting (IFR) by using purposive sampling techniques. The writer takes the hypothesis (H1) is the index IFR effect on firm value. The test would be done using simple regression coefficient test. As for the disclosure practices Describe internet financial reporting, the writer used content analysis (content analysis). The results found from content analysis are known to the average for the total IFR index is 49.9%. Of the 48 companies that were sampled, there were 28 companies or 58.33% of the sample who did practice IFR above average, while 20 companies (41.67%) to practice IFR below average. While the calculation of market price to book value (PBV) can be seen that the average PBV companies amounted to 5.20. Based on simple regression test regression equation obtained is Y = 5.040 + 0.321 X. To test hypothesis (test t) using a significance level of 0.05, obtained t count equal 0.035 and 0.972 significance. The results obtained for the t table is 1.679, so t calculated 0.05 (0.972> 0.05) then Ha is rejected. It is claimed that there was no influence of internet financial reporting index to corporate value of a company that has the biggest market capitalization in 2011. According to above conclusion, the writer suggested that further research should use more diverse samples according to the type of company that the scope of comparison in analyzing the broader enterprise. Furthermore, researchers are expected to use more specific independent variables and dependent variables. 

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang