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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Fatoni, Kevin Amin
S Agriculture (General) 
2015-01-22 08:22:49 
Abstract :
Increased coffee consumption and lifestyle lead to start the development of industry good coffee shops in the Mall and not the Mall in Indonesia. Currently the development Coffeeshop on the edge of the road can be seen in the center - urban centers and around the university, especially in Malang for urban residents and students have a consumerist attitude which is higher than the rural population. Formulation of the problem discussed in this study, namely how the level of customer satisfaction among the Coffeeshop on the Mall and not the Mall in the city of Malang, and how the level of consumer loyalty and Coffeeshop in non-Mall Mall in the city of Malang. Purpose of this study was to determine the level of customer satisfaction in the Mall and not Coffeeshop Mall in Malang and to determine the level of consumer loyalty in the Mall and not Coffeeshop Mall in Malang. The research was conducted at the Coffee Shop is located in the mall and not a mall Coffeeshop located in the city of Malang. This method of determining the location of intentional (purposive) with consideration Coffeeshop located at one shopping center in Malang City which has a strategic position with access to transport with reasonable fluency. The sampling method used in this study is Accidental Sampling. The number of respondents who were interviewed as many as 80 respondents, 40 respondents in the mall and Coffeeshop 40 respondents is not in a mall in the city of Malang. The data used in this study were secondary data and primary data. Methods of data collection in this study is to use the survey method (frequently asked questions) using a questionnaire. Types of questions in the questionnaire was structured questions. This method facilitates the use of researchers in taking data because the questions more directly. Coffeeshop is a characteristic attribute of a product sold in the Coffeeshop. There are four attributes are referred to as the 4Ps of marketing, the product (product), where (place), promotion (promotion), pricing (price). 3P to products as well as additional services which the person (people), processes (process), and physical evidence (physical evidence). Examples of attributes are taste, aroma, price, attentiveness of the waiter, waitress Courtesy, hospitality waitress, serving Speed, Convenience place (decor & layout tool), Location Caffeeshop, Hygiene & place equipment. This study uses a qualitative descriptive analysis. Qualitative descriptive analysis method which is the method by providing an overview, a description in detail based on existing data. This method is useful to obtain a comprehensive picture of customer satisfaction and loyalty Coffeeshop in both the Mall and not on the Mall in the city of Malang on the acquisition of a questionnaire. Coffeeshop consumer characteristics are dominated by consumer-sex male, aged between 19-24, educated Bachelor (S1), unmarried status, employment status of students, the average income of Rp 1,500,001 to Rp 2,500,000 for consumers Coffeeshop in Mall and the average income Rp 750,000 to Rp 1.5 million to consumers Coffeeshop not on the Mall. Characteristics are dominated by consumer purchase decisions are motivated to take a trip to the coffeeshop for wanting to visit your place and want to get the benefits of drinking coffee as a beverage break. Most consumers obtain information about the coffeeshop of friends. Coffeeshop customer satisfaction rather than on the Mall higher than Coffeeshop on the Mall. The highest level of customer satisfaction at the Mall Coffeeshop on the attributes of Taste, Hygiene and Tool Place. While the highest customer satisfaction in the Mall Coffeeshop not exist on the attributes of aroma, price, alertness Pramuaji, Courtesy Waiter, waiter hospitality, Presentation Speed, Convenience and Location Coffeeshop place. Consumer loyalty in the Mall Coffeeshop Coffeeshop not higher than in the Mall. That is because consumers prefer the attributes of Taste and Hygiene Venue and Equipment. 

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang