Implementasi Teknologi SMS Gateway untuk Otomatisasi Informasi Pelayanan Madis
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Salatalohy, Mohammad Fausan
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) 
2015-02-16 14:17:18 
Abstract :
Technology exists to provide easiness of a problem faced by the community. One technology that is widely used and very popular by the current mobile phone users are SMS (Short Message Service). With SMS, we have implemented many applications based on current SMS, such as quis, polls, forums, can even also for business applications such as ordering products. In this paper, a concept created for information services to facilitate the patient\'s stay, or who want to go to a hospital can easily get the information required, which consists of three types of service concepts are: Pull SMS, Push SMS and Broadcast SMS. With the results of this service concept, the patient remained in a hospital can receive a reminder for his medical check, and for new patients can register without having to go directly to a hospital, quite simply sending an SMS to the service of this information, it will automatically respond directly by the system at a hospital by using SMS facility. Registration procedure is the same as in ordinary, only can be done anytime and from anywhere. 

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang