POLA PIKIR MANTAN ANGGOTA PUNK KETIKA BERKELUARGA (Studi Di Kalangan Mantan Anggota Punk Di Daerah Kota Kepanjen)
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
HM Sociology 
2015-02-17 10:19:32 
Abstract :
The background of this research is the current globalization has resulted in many foreign cultures into Indonesia. One is the punk culture. This led to the development of the punk community in Indonesia. Punk was born as a resistance movement of young people based on their beliefs. As you well know punk community itself is identical to his ability, on the basis of the assumption of freedom itself. But there are also members who eventually came out of the punk punk community. From this we can know the existence of social change in some people who are members of the punk community and then out of the members of punk and choose life as in other communities. Family life is very different from life as a member of punk, had earlier given an ideology of freedom and want to get out of the rules or binding norms. The formulation of the problem in this research is how the former member of the punk mindset when married. The purpose of this study was to determine the mindset of a former member of punk in an effort to establish the institution of family. The research is descriptive qualitative. Where research is directed to provide the symptoms, the facts or events in a systematic and accurate. Number of study subjects that 9 people. The sampling technique used in this study that the sampling snowbolling. Data collection techniques in this study is to free interviews, documentation and observation are not structured. This study uses data analysis techniques interactive model Milles and Habermas, who has four grooves activities going on such as: data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion, an analysis using the description. The theory is used to analyze this problem is to use the theory of "phenomenology" Alferd Schutz. Based on the results of the study, obtained a conclusion that the reality experienced by former members of punk is a stock of knowledge for himself. Including experience at the time a member of punk. Such as life on the streets, busking, nyimeng, fight, while experiencing sakau and others. Where reality is experienced by them as well as guidance on social events, which are then used actors when interacting with others in their environment. So from the stock of knowledge that they have will affect how well a former member of the punk mindset when married. Thus, with this mindset a former member of the punk decide a course of action or problem solving as a family even how they raise a family. This is apparent when teaching or allowing their children to speak rudely to others, or to allow the wife to learn to live independently. Stock of knowledge can give the individual a trait that is taken for granted (granted). It is seen as a way to interact subjects namely former punk who spoke harshly to children and even other people. However this is considered commonplace even anakpun taught to speak rudely to others. So from the reality experienced by former members of the punk brings subjective consciousness in themselves and in the end to take a stance on everyday life, especially when it is being married. 

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang