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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
HB Economic Theory 
2015-11-12 04:25:42 
Abstract :
This type of research conducted is a survey research, entitled "Analysis of Service Quality of Gerai HALO In Sampang City." The purpose of this research is to know the service quality of Gerai HALO on Jl. J.A. Suprapto No.50 Sampang which includes tangible, responsiveness, reliability, assurance, and empathy according to the customer. To know the quality of services that include tangible, responsiveness, reliability, assurance, and empathy that need upgrading to improve customer satisfaction. Usefulness of research for the company is as information and input to make decisions in determining the strategy and decision-making about services to costumers especially kinds of services considered important by consumers in order to improve customer satisfaction. Based on the research results can be concluded that the quality of services provided Gerai HALO of Sampang city categoryized excellent. These results can be proved by a score of variable physical evidence (tangible) for 1.681, responsiveness obtained a score of 1.255, the reliability is in the amount of 1.682, the guarantee (assurance) amounted to 1.284 and empathy variables (empathy) equal to 1.246 which are included in the exellent category. Based on the analysis Cartesians diagram that is used to analyze the service quality of Gerai HALO in Sampang city can be seen that the variables that need to be improved its performance is the responsiveness includes the responses of employees in serving new-coming customers and speed of employee in response to customer demand. In the empathy variables include employees' responsibility to comfort customers, and employees can give personal attention to customers. Also in need of improvement is the physical facilities (buildings) are visually attractive and fitting price to get customer service. Suggestions that can be proposed in this research are it should maintain the quality of services whose performance is very excellent, comfort of service room or waiting room, the willingness of employees to help customers who need help, the employee is honest or trustworthy, and security of customers' goods in goods storage, and for quality of service that its performance is still less should be improved in terms of attention to physical facility (building) which is visually interesting, if necessary, there is innovation to the building or Gerai HALO building that has been existing at present, effort in order employees to respond directly or welcome and serve new arrival customers in Gerai HALO, provide training for employees in providing services in order employees can respond to customer demand quickly, so it will not cause long queues and customers is not bored to wait at the time of service process at the Gerai HALO, effort the compatibility between price and customer service available, increasing employee?s responsibility in the convenience of customers at the time of service process at the Gerai HALO, and effort employees to always give personal attention to customers whom come to Gerai HALO. 

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang