PROSES KOMUNIKASI PEWARISAN TRADISIKESENIAN REYOG PONOROGO Studi Pada Paguyuban Seni Reyog Simo Daruseto Ponorogo Pasca Adanya Perubahan Nilai-nilai Dalam Kesenian Reyog Ponorogo
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Herisubagio, Aris
HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform 
2012-04-19 02:42:26 
Abstract :
This research was made based artistic Ponorogo Reyog who is one of the rare and arts is second to none, and has its own characteristics which have resulted in controversy in it. The formulation of the problem and the objectives of this research is how the communication process that occurs in the community regarding the inheritance of Ponorogo Reyog arts tradition and trying to mendeskriptifkan social phenomena that are going on and become the focus of research. Communication process is how to convey a message to the communicants communicator, who can create an equation of meaning between the communicants with komunikatornya. This communication process aims to create effective communication (in accordance with the purpose of communication in general). Presentation of data and analysis of the results of research in this chapter are as follows: first, the data derived from observing the actual phenomena of development and changes in the value of art in society and Ponorogo Reyog data obtained through direct interviews with former dancers and from Gemblak Department of Tourism Culture Youth and Sports Ponorogo district. Second, analyze the communication processes used in delivering the changes that value to the community. Results from this study are: first, forms of communication processes that are considered effective in the transmission or dissemination of art Reyog Ponorogo gatherings attended by government, community representatives, religious leaders, artists Reyog, and from academia. This Workshop aims to gather and seek solutions on issues surrounding the group Reyog. Agreed targets of the results of these gatherings tend to be more heterogeneous as kindergarten children as young seedlings Reyog art router, craftsman tools Reyog as conservationist tools Reyog also as a provider of jobs, for schools to include local content in the form of lessons about art Reyog, as well as for students / learners as a maintainer of this Reyog art preservation, second-emergence of community associations Reyog Ponorogo art as a form of community care in an effort to preserve the art Reyog Ponorogo. Art Reyog has acted as an identity that is created and has been going on for centuries. By running the business, then needed a good cooperation between government, public, and the keeper of tradition, in this case the perpetrator Reyog Ponorogo art. The role of government here is a facilitator and catalyst to support the interests of the forum. Efforts made by the Regional Government of Ponorogo which received positive response from the community is to realize the full Ponorogo Reyog monuments in every border town as a gateway grand even in village and town levels. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang