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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Pradana, Indra Harief
L Education (General) 
2016-04-06 01:58:02 
Abstract :
Song is a short poem which contains lyrics. Lyrics of the song contain figurative language that is used to say something rather than the ordinary way. It is because songs illustrates the real life, includes conflicts, problems, and other aspects of life. This study focused on figurative languages used in Barry ManilowÂ’s song in even now albums. More specifically, it was intended to describe: 1) the kinds of figurative language found in Barry ManilowÂ’s album “Even Now” and 2) the meanings of figurative language found in Barry ManilowÂ’s album “Even Now”. This research used a descriptive qualitative design because there was no treatment as an experimental research and just attempted to present the information concerning with the study on figurative language and meaning at “Barry Manilow” songÂ’s lyrics. Moreover, objective approach employed because the writer focused his analysis on the literary work which was independent from many factors like the authorÂ’s education, the authorÂ’s life background, and also the audience. After analyzing the songs, the writer found that the composer of the songs used some figurative language to describe his feelings. They include seven hyperboles, two similes, three personifications, two metaphors, and one symbol. Through the detail meaning that are already found, it is shown that the lyrics meaning in figurative language cannot be understood literary, it needs sensitivity from the listeners. The word in figurative language sometimes has different meaning or it is not the real meaning at that expression. Furthermore, the composer used those figurative languages in order to beautify, startle, refresh, exaggerate and give obvious imagination of his feeling in his lyrics in order to make the listener understand what he means. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang