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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
L Education (General) 
2016-04-20 06:38:13 
Abstract :
Language as a system of communication has a function to transmit meaningful ideas, message of information within a person by means of establishing and maintaining relationship with their society. Register is a stylistic variant of a language appropriate to a particular social setting, could be a group of people in social relation, or group of people working in a relation. In this study the writer concerns to investigate the register used by a profession group that is Policeman at POLSEK Rejotangan Tulungagung. The writer wants to analyze and describe about the register used, the meaning of the register, the dominant types of register used, and the purpose they use registers. In this study, the writer used descriptive qualitative research design, because the writer sought to understand a phenomenon by focusing on the data that are in the form of words or pictures rather than numbers and statistics. The writer used descriptive qualitative research design because he did not only describe the registers used by Indonesian Police at POLSEK Rejotangan Tulungagung, but also wanted to present the facts related with the registers used. The subject of this study was personnel of policeman at POLSEK Rejotangan Tulungagung. In this study, the writer chose three informants or participants who had good knowledge related with the study and they had important role as personnel policeman who used registers in their daily activities. To collect the data, the writer used three kind of instrument. There were observation, interview, and document. The result of this study showed that the total numbers of registers used by “Indonesian Police” at POLSEK Rejotangan Tulungagung were 71. From the total number of registers could be grouped into informal registers. In these findings, another kind of registers such as formal register, over-formal register, motherese, and reporting register were not found. From all of the registers found, 24 types of register were dominantly used by Policeman at POLSEK Rejotangan Tulungagung. Their purposes of using registers were: First, in order to make a safe and secret communication. Second, registers were used to make an easier communication to the other personnel. Third, to assure confidentiality communication. Fourth, to make more universal communication and better understanding between the personnel of policeman. Fifth, to make short communication, effective, and understandable. Last, the register was made in the form of number or short word in order to make it easy to remember. 
Institution Info

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang