Total View This Week4
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
L Education (General) 
2016-09-29 12:04:31 
Abstract :
Keyword : Total Physical Response, StudentsÂ’ Motoric Development and Pronunciation Difficulty. Teaching young learners is not easy because teaching young learner is different from teaching adult students because of some factors. One of the factors is the characteristic of the student who has a very short attention and concentration span. Therefore, the teacher should be creative to select the teaching method used to teach English for young leraner in order that the students can keep paying attention and focusing on the lesson. Total Physical Response is a language learning method which may support an expected situation because it is the method which applies the coordination of speech and action. It is linked to the long term memory because it is learning by doing. This study focused on the implementation of Total Physical Response (TPR) method in Little Camel Mojokerto. The purposes of this study were to describe how the TPR method is implemented by kindergarten teacher at Little Camel Mojokerto, to identify the problems faced by kindergarten teacher in applying TPR method at Little Camel Mojokerto, and to describe how the teacher solves the problems in applying TPR method at Little Camel Mojokerto. This study used descriptive qualitative design because this study investigated how the TPR method was implemented by kindergarten teacher, what the problems were faced by the teacher in applying TPR method, and how the teacher solved the problems in applying TPR method at Little Camel School Mojokerto by using data which were presented in the form of words. In collecting the data, the researcher used observation checklist and interview guide as the research instruments. The result showed that the implementation of Total Physical Response method in Little Camel Mojokerto has been relevant because it was implemented based on most of the principles of procedures Total Physical Response implementation. However, there was a step of teaching process done by the teacher which was not based on the procedure of Total Physical Response because in teaching process, the method used by the teacher in teaching process was mixed with another telling story activity, and the teacher improved the steps in implementing the method. In implementing Total Physical Response, the teacher only faced two problems, namely: the studentsÂ’ motoric development and the studentsÂ’ pronunciation difficulty. Related to the way to solve the problem, the teacher did direct correction to the students who had mistakes in an unobstrusive manner. 
Institution Info

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang