PERUBAHAN SOSIAL MASYARAKAT KETIKA BERALIH DARI PETANI APEL KE PETANI BUNGA ( Studi TentangPerubahan Sikap dan Nilai Sosial Petani Akibat Dari Peralihan Jenis Tanaman Apel Ke Bunga Di Desa Bumiaji, Kecamatan Bumiaji, Dusun Dukuh Mberu Batu )
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform 
2012-05-03 04:08:54 
Abstract :
Practically apple industry Stone is industry owning condition is will die. Many matters causing natural apple industry degradation, that is reduction of industry and crop of pasca crop. On that account happened change of farmer living type of farmer of apple changing over to farmer of flower. With switchover of work which initially becoming farmer of apple change to farmer of flower have earned to change situation of economics of the farmer become betterly. With the change hence very attractive to be studied to to change of farmer society value and attitude. In research concerning change of farmer society social when changing over from farmer of apple to farmer of flower farmer which Orchard Hamlet of Beru Countryside of Bumiaji. this Type Research is qualitative. Research Subyek in this research is farmer changing over from farmer of apple to farmer of flower. Technique data collecting can be with observation, documentation and interview. This research use technique analyse descriptive data qualitative. Change of social is all change social institutes influencing social system him, including in it values, behavioral pattern and attitude among groups in society so that experience of friction of culture. Theory which used in this research is social action theory Max Weber. In social action theory Max Weber there are type four courses of action, that is instrumental rational action, action orient value, traditional action and action of afektif. Social fox society farmer of apple farmer of flower is a human being action is a social phenomenon. In rational action theory eyeglasses Weber change him farmer of apple to farmer of flower is a rational action which by farmers because felt farmer of apple have can no longer fulfill requirement of everyday life farmer. Reason Farmer of migratory Apple become farmer of flower is because of expense treatment of apple which is hard so costly and not yet also overcome disease pest attacking apple crop so that cause production of crop which not yet can be yielded better so that make farmer of this apple loss because incommensurate to result and expenditure which is obtaining of him. There are change in farmer attitude, after becoming farmer of flower hence strarting there attitude interact among farmer to study the problem of agriculture of flower. Besides also happened the change in attitude each other caring among farmer of attitude and flower like to cooperate among farmer of flower. Besides also there are change in the case of social value him. Change of value which on farmer Orchard Hamlet of Beru Countryside of Bumiaji after existence of farming flower hence peeping out togetherness value which generating by farmer humanity. Besides also happened change of value in the case of togetherness of humanity farmer of flower, existence of high solidarity value and existence of value each other trusting among farmer of flower. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang