Perubahan Pekerjaan Masyarakat Dari Agraris ke Industri( Studi pada Pengrajin Rotan di Kelurahan Balearjosari KecamatanBlimbing Kota Malang )
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Choirunisa, Choirunisa
HM Sociology 
2012-05-08 06:18:58 
Abstract :
Development of science technology and science is of increasing day increased rapidly, where and carrying a huge effect on countries which are developing countries especially Indonesia which is undergoing development in bibang industry. Industry is one effort to improve human resources and improve the lives of more established, and better quality living standard. With the entry of industrialization especially rattan craft industry in the village Balearjosari Malang District Blimbing bring influence to change the system that the original work as farmers are turning the profession as pengarajin rattan industry. Therefore, in reviewing this matter the writer poured in the form of thesis entitled "Changes in society Work From Agriculture to Industry (A Study on Sub Rattan Craftsmen Balearjosari Blimbing Malang District). With the formulation of the problem is as follows: 1. Factors affecting the change of agrarian societies to the rattan industry in the village of Balearjosari; 2. Why there is a change from sector to sector Agriculture rattan craft industry; 3. The changes that occur internally. The aim of the research itself is: 1. To find out what factors influence the occurrence of changes in agrarian societies to the rattan industry in the village of Balearjosari; 2. To find out why there is a change from an agrarian to the industrial sector rattan; 3. To know the changes that occur internally. This type of research is qualitative. Location of the research done on rural communities Balearjosari Blimbing Malang District. The population is all the people who live in the village Balearjosari Blimbing Malang District that specifically manage the rattan craft industry. The sample used was purposive sampling, and the sample is 20 people. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview, interviews, documentation and the type used is guided interview. Descriptive qualitative data analysis. Theories used Max Weber's theory of Rational Action. From the results it can be concluded as follows. Factors affecting the occurrence of a change in job shifting agricultural land, namely the emergence of a new role that was once a farmer has become pengrajin.Terjadinya change jobs due to the decline in the level of income. And that affects the internal changes rising levels of income, began the erosion of social values. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang