Otomasi Pengukur Antropometri Pada Posyandu Berbasis IoT Terintegrasi Aplikasi Smartphone
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

T Technology (General) 
2019-07-23 08:34:22 
Abstract :
To find out the growth of babies, usually parents or mothers take their babies to the posyandu once a month or at least 8 times a year. In posyandu is usually measured by baby's growth in baby's weight and height. The measurement results are recorded on the Health Towards Card (KMS) for babies. However, in recording at the posyandu sometimes there are errors in data retrieval because data processing is done manually. Not only that, centralized data collection is also often late in being deposited in central health centers due to several factors. KMS is in the form of sheets so it is easily lost or tucked away. Therefore to overcome data collection errors and loss of data so that the data does not reach the central health center, this study helps measure the baby's weight and height and data can be stored in the database so that data can be accessed when data is needed again. This measuring device is based on an Internet of Things (IOT) connected to a smartphone which will be combined with a cropping sensor system such as a heavy sensor, ultrasonic sensor, ArduinoUno, ESP8266 as hardware connected to a smartphone, so that this tool makes it easy to store data and easy for the use of posyandu . with a set of delivery time intervals per 1 second through ESP8266 it produces a loadcell measurement error of 0.011% and an ultrasonic sensor measurement error of 0.025%. Posyandu Android application software can be built using ionic 3 and can be updated in real time using with the speed of sending data from the microcontroller to the application is 1 second. 

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang