Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pencari Lokasi Wisata Kuliner Kota Malang Berbasis Android menggunakan Algoritma Djikstra
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering 
2019-07-26 06:03:29 
Abstract :
The issue of culinary connoisseurs to take a culinary tour requires information to be able to help during a visit to the location. The factor needed is information towards culinary attractions and trips to the location. A variety of information technology is created to provide services that can meet the needs wherever and whenever for users. In the application to be designed it is used to find the location of the nearest dining house from the user's location and set the route to use using the Djikstra method. Making an application that is expected to make it easier for users to find the closest eating place that has been mapped through the application that has been available. The dijkstra algorithm is used because this algorithm is effective for determining the shortest route. Because each node passed will be counted back so that the shortest route can be found. The result of the djikstra algorithm is that it can determine the fastest path to the destination with the shortest distance, long distance between vertices one with vertices and easier to understand. 

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang