Analisa Efesiensi Energi Boiler di PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Plant-12 Tarjun Kotabaru Kalimantan Selatan Dengan Kapasitas 50 Ton/Jam Menggunakan Metode Langsung (Metode Input-Output)
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

T Technology (General) 
2019-07-26 08:34:31 
Abstract :
Boiler is a place which have a function on result (output) the steam on a pressure atmosphere by the heat deserving which have been produced at burning process. Perfect burning will changeable all of the perhaps energy at fuel, but the perfect burning have the efficiency of 100% is very hard to reach. As for using this direct method, researcher can know the result of simple efficient counting with out any many counting of it. Direct method is a technic of method which get from work (water and steam) fluid than a energy which fill in a boiler fuel that call also as a input-output method because this method only need producing/output (steam) and input (fuel) heat to efficiency evaluation. According result of counting by use direct method have been got the boiler efficient of PLTU PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Plant-12 Tarjun Kotabaru with the highest effeciency is 95,7% and the lower effeciency is 61,08%. 

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang