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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
NX Arts in general 
2012-05-09 02:47:30 
Abstract :
In the development, film stands as supporting facilities for entertainment amusement which offering dream to audience into the case and event that happened. In this case film becomes artistic expressions medium, is becoming equipment for film artist to phrase ideas, through by a uniquely beautiful knowledge along development of film technology. Herewith, film production is influenced by contents of consisting message in it. Messages submitted in film can change audience behavior, because in this case is because of existence of ideology element from film maker, that is: element of culture, social, psychological, forwarding of film language, and interesting elements or stimulates audience imagination, one of them is element of social. One of them is "A Beautiful Mind" film, a film with biography drama genre inspired from biography book by Sylvia Nasar which many loading social message. Social message submission passed film easy to be received and understood by audience. For that the writer interests to check how big percentage of apparition of social message content which expressed by Ron Howard in "A Beautiful Mind" film. Method applied in this research is quantitative method with approach of content analysis. The reason of using analysis contents because will obtain a result or understanding to various messages of communications submitted by mass media or information source objectively and systematic. In this case the researcher wants to know social message content in "A Beautiful Mind" film. Research analysis unit here is scene which containing social message in "A Beautiful Mind" film. Where in "A Beautiful Mind" film there are 69 scenes. Here the writer focus at scene is containing social message as expressed in categorization. To test the reliability, this research was assisted by two coder people (a man who is doing coding sheet) in coding data. Out of 69 scenes in "A Beautiful Mind" film, done coding into three categories, that is Friendship, Honor, Harmony. From coding between researchers with coder I and II which determined got coefficient reliability 0,86 or 86% and presented in assessing reliability of scott formula is 0,78 or 78%. As a whole, can be told that out of 69 overall of scenes in " A Beautiful Mind" film, there are 65 scenes is containing social message in "A Beautiful Mind" film or 9420% from overall of scenes, with the most category is harmony, with apparition frequency 23 scenes or 3535%. So, almost overall of scenes found on "A Beautiful Mind" film, a lot of social message contents. Here the writer can lay open suggestion for the film maker, shall make film with interesting theme content, and gives valuable message., not simply expressing the social reality. Also the writer submits for other researcher utilizes other research method to analyze film with interesting theme like "A Beautiful Mind". 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang