Kualitas Hubungan Teman Sebaya dengan Kebahagiaan pada Remaja SMPN Kota Malang
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

BF Psychology 
2019-08-16 06:15:09 
Abstract :
Happiness is one of the most important things for every individual, and will positively impact the daily life. One of the most important factors in happiness is social life. In the social life that happened in early adolescence, the interaction occurred more intense as early adolescents spent more time outdoors with peers. The purpose of this research is to know the relationship between the quality of peer relations with happiness in teenagers. This research uses quantitative methods with cross sectional research design. The subject used in this study was a student of SMP Negeri Malang, which was in grades 7 and 8 and had a group of peers, as many as 352 students. The research instrument uses the psychological scale of peer relationships scale with the reliability of 0.79 and the psychological scale of happiness that is Oxford Happiness Inventory (OHQ) with reliability of 0.87. The Data is retrieved by using cluster sampling technique. The data analysis method used is Pearson correlation. The result of the power analysis obtained is r = 0.538 with P = 0.00 (P > 0.05). It shows that there is a significant positive relationship. 

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang