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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Yadi, Muhammad Hafif
SD Forestry 
2019-08-24 05:30:09 
Abstract :
The wealth of natural resources and the natural beauty of Indonesia is a gift from God Almighty. The potential of these natural resources needs to be developed and utilized for the interests and welfare of the community by not damaging the existing ecosystem so that a balance between protection, preservation and sustainable use is achieved. Tasnan Forest was inaugurated by Perum Perhutani KPH Bondowoso in December 2016. Before being designated as a tourist attraction, this Tasnan Forest tourist area was once a nursery for pine seeds and a place for tapping pine resin. This tourism is still fairly new and only has an area of 0.5 ha. This research was conducted in January to February. The purpose of this study is to knowing the characteristics of Tasnan Forest tourists and the willingness to pay (Willingness To Pay) tourists to Tasnan Forest tours and company income after the establishment of Tasnan Forest tours. This study used a willingness to pay analysis with the target of the research being Tasnan Forest tourist domestic visitors aged 17 years and over as many as 100 respondents. The economic valuation method used is the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), this method is done by asking directly the amount of costs that are willingly spent by tourists to be able to enjoy Tasnan Forest tourism so that the amount of the WTP value is directly expressed by visitors. Based on the research data, the average value of willingness to pay visitors is Rp. 11,000.00/visit, with the characteristics of visitors dominated by women with ages between 17 to 25 years, most of whom are still students. From these results it was also obtained the potential value of Tasnan Forest's tourism environment services in 2018 was amount Rp. 159,841,000.00/year. While the change in land function carried out by the company is very good, especially in terms of the economy with income from ecotourism in the amount of Rp. 72,655,000.00/year for entry tickets only, compared tapping pine resin, which is amount Rp. 2.258.550,00/tahun. Suggestion is obtained is the need for to fix facilities and tourism attraction in Tasnan Forest and good maintenance in terms of cleanliness of tourist attractions so that visitors are could more comfortable. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang