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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Ulfa, Dessy Maria
L Education (General) 
2019-08-24 07:31:41 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Maria Ulfa, Dessy. 2019. English Learning Program at SDN Mojorejo 1, Batu. Thesis, Elementary School Teacher Education Department, FKIP University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Advisor: (1) Dr. Endang Poerwanti M.Pd, (II) Rina Wahyu Setyaningrum, S.Pd., M.Ed. Keywords: School Policy, EYL, 2013 Curriculum With the enactment of the 2013 curriculum, the position of subjects in the curriculum has also shifted, one of them is English. The procurement of English language learning programs is very dependent on school policy. One of the school that consistently develops English language learning programs is SD Negeri Mojorejo 1 Batu. This study used descriptive qualitative research to describe the English learning program at SD Negeri Mojorejo 1 Batu. Data retrieval is done by observation and interview techniques with the subject of research, namely the Principal and the English Teacher. Through this research it is known that in the policy making process of English language learning programs at Mojorejo 1 Batu Public Elementary School are as follows: (1) The process of making English learning programs in accordance with Permendikbud Number 62 of 2019, (2) School involving Internal and External parties in an effort to develop English learning programs, (3) Schools supervise English learning programs, (4) Preparation of Syllabus submitted to English Language Teacher Working Groups (KKG). In the planning process of learning English, there are a number of things as follows: (1) Preparation of RPP refers to the syllabus that is modified and adapted to the abilities and needs of students, (2) The teacher designs learning with the concepts of English for Young Learner (EYL), (3) Learning is focused on developing 4 English language skills namely Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing, (4) Constraints in the planning process are incompatibility of the syllabus with learning material. Then in the implementation of the English language learning program at SD Negeri Mojorejo 1 Batu are as follows: (1) English Language Learning is carried out as Local Content and Extracurricular, (2) The teacher applies the concept of repeating "Routine" material, (3) There is an English language learning development activity that is being implemented, namely "Global Connect". 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang