Potensi Pengembangan Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu (Mangrove) Oleh LMDH Sabuk Hijau Desa Lembung, Kecamatan Galis, Pamekasan, Jawa Timur
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Muharraram, Muhammad Muzakki
SD Forestry 
2019-11-08 06:30:17 
Abstract :
Mangrove Forest is a community of plants that are formed along the coast and protected on the delta-Delta in the estuary of the river. Mangrove forest provides benefits and functions that are important for human survival. The main functions of mangrove forests include physical, biological, and economic functions. One of the economic functions of mangrove forest is the result of non-timber forest (HHBK). Non-timber forest results can be a source of income for both society and government. Mangrove in the village of Lembung is one of the many mangroves in the use of fruit as a result of non-timber forests. The purpose of this study is to assess the utilization of potential HHBK conducted by Green Belt LMDH, knowing the factors that affect the development of HHBK potential in Lembung village, as well as to plan strategies in Potential development of mangrove HHBK. The benefit of this research is that it can provide benefits academically or practically and provide information to the manager or the public that with the utilization of HHBK has an impact on the socio-Economic Community in the village of Lembung, Provide information related to how the strategy develops HHBK, can be a reference material and study for subsequent research on social change, and the development of HHBK in Lembung village. This research was conducted in Lembung village in August 2019. The methods used are observation techniques, interviews and study libraries. By using SWOT analysis by determining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Based on the results of HHBK development research in the village of Lembung can be said that the HHBK development strategy in Lembung Village obtained an IFAS value of 3.01 while the value of EFAS amounted to 3.59. Based on the results of the value X = 0.69 and the value Y = 1.28 can be said HHBK development strategy in Lembung Village is a progressive quadrant I have the strength and opportunity to base the development of HHBK in Lembung village by increasing Promotion with broad market opportunities, add product variants according to consumer needs and add new innovations products processed mangrove. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang