Prototype Sistem Monitoring Kadar Oksigen Dalam Darah Dan Penyakit Jantung Menggunakan Sensor MAX30102
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Najiha, Talimatun
T Technology (General) 
2020-01-27 03:54:58 
Abstract :
In everyday life people still do not care about health. This makes it difficult for the medical team to recognize the disease suffered by the community, and often can lead to the risk of death.Heart rate and oxygen levels are a vital organ in the human body that functions to pump blood throughout the body, where blood is a liquid from blood cells there is Hb (hemoglobin) in which there is oxygen. Heart rate and oxygen levels have a reciprocal relationship when a person is experiencing a condition of oxygen deficiency someone will feel shortness of breath, and convulsions, panic. Then this will result in increased heart rate to meet the need for oxygen in the body, normal oxygen levels of 90-100%, while abnormal oxygen level <89%, the normal heart rate / pulse is around 60-100%, while abnormal heart rate is <55%. Max30102 is a system of electronic devices used to monitor oxygen levels and heart rate. This study aims to design and build oxygen monitoring devices and human heart rates using an Ethernet microcontroller and a MAX30102 sensor. The circuit is composed of a series of sensors, the processor uses Ethernet and displays the results of the data (web). 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang