Pengaruh Cuka Apel (Malus domestica) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Candida albicans Secara In Vitro
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Ardiani, Eli
R Medicine (General) 
2020-01-28 04:43:35 
Abstract :
Background: Candida albicans is one of three most common causes of vulvovaginal candidiasis in Indonesia. Fluconazole as the first-line treatment for vulvovaginal candidiasisalso has reported resistance of 7% against Candida spp. Apple vinegar is one type of processed apple that has many benefits, including as an antifungal. This is caused by the content of acetic acid, flavonoids, and pectin Purpose: To know the effect of apple cider vinegar (Malus domestica) on the growth of Candida albicans in vitro. Research Methods: True experiment with posttest-only control group design,using dilution tube with apple cider vinegar concentration 100%, 50%, 25%, 12,5%, 6,25%, 3,125%, 1,56%, 0,78%, 0,39%, 0%. Data was analyzed usingOne Way Anova, Post Hoc Games-Howell, and Regresi Linear. Results: The MIC was 6,25% and the MFC was 12,5%. One Way Anova test results obtained a significance value of 0,000, indicating there is a difference between the treatments tested. The results of the Post Hoc Games-Howell test showed p <0.05 at 0.78% to 50% concentration, indicating a significant decrease from 0.78% to 50% concentration. The Linear Regression test results obtained R Square of 90.5%, showing the dose of apple cider vinegar affects the number of C. albicans colonies of 90.5%. Conclusion: Apple cider vinegar (Malus domestica) had effect on the growth of Candida albicans in vitro. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang