Quarter Life Crisis Pada Mahasiswa Berorganisasi Dan Tidak Berorganisasi
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Hestari, Sarah Kumala
BF Psychology 
2020-02-26 06:15:11 
Abstract :
Quarter life crisis is a period of transition from adolescence to early adulthood (approximately between the age of 18 and 29whichshowssome exaggerated responses such as panicking, having abundant choices andeven feeling adrift. Another comprehensive characteristics of quarter life crisis comprise of identity confusion, career determination, social life, interpersonal relations, independence and marriage. This study aims to discover the differences of quarter life crisis between students who join an organization and those who do not participate any organization. An additional purpose is to alleviate the impact on students who experience a quarter life crisis. This study applied a comparative qualitative approach and involved 185 respondents using quota sampling method (non-probability). The data was collected by the use of Quarter Life Crisis Scale.The result drawn from the study reveal that there are no significant differences between students who participate an organization and students who do not engage any organization, sig. (2-taled) 0,934 > 0,05. It can be concluded aged 18-29 have potential to experience a quarter life crisis. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang