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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Vanesa, Cut Patricia
L Education (General) 
2024-05-20 04:29:13 
Abstract :
In an effort to improve the quality of education and quality human resources produced in the learning process, the government implemented a policy in the form of the School Literacy Movement (GLS). One of the schools that has implemented GLS is SDN Jogoroto Jombang. This program will begin to be implemented in the 2021/2022 academic year. Research objectives: (1) describe the planning activities of the GLS Program in improving students' reading culture at SDN Jogoroto Jombang, (2) describe the implementation activities of the GLS Program in improving students' reading culture at SDN Jogoroto Jombang, and (3) describe the supporting and inhibiting factors of the Program GLS in improving students' reading culture at SDN Jogoroto Jombang. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. This research was carried out at SDN Jogoroto Jombang which focused on school programs, namely the literacy movement program. In implementation, researchers carried out observation, interviews and documentation activities to obtain data results. This research was conducted from February to March 2024. The research results obtained are that in planning activities there are 6 indicators of needs, namely: 1) determining the need/design of the GLS program, 2) setting GLS objectives, 3) determining GLS strategies or methods, 4) determining the time and place of GLS, 5) facilities and adequate infrastructure, 6) the school collaborates with the library and archives department. Implementation activities at SDN Jogoroto include 3 implementation indicators, namely: 1) SERAKASI program (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday literacy), 2) Friday literacy, 3) provision of a mobile library. Apart from that, other supporting programs include literacy competitions, use of reading parks and gazebos, use of reading corners, and reading with book prizes. The supporting factors for GLS at SDN Jogoroto are adequate facilities and infrastructure, the principal and teachers, cooperation between the school and the library and archives department, and also parents. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors for GLS at SDN Jogoroto are human resources and some of the students' parents. With the GLS program, it is hoped that schools will be able to maintain and develop the GLS program as a form of improving education through literacy that is instilled from an early age and as a superior school program to improve future literacy program policies. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang