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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2012-03-20 13:24:10 
Abstract :
Objective of establishing an organization of both business and non-business is to achieve optimal results. In an effort to realize the achievement of organizational goals is necessary efforts that can provide added value for companies in the face of increasing competition situation. Thus the company is expected to be more clever in determining marketing strategies in order to compete and survival of the company remain intact. Companies are required to always be sensitive to environmental changes that occur, in general, the change was divided into two parts, namely changes in internal and external environment company. On the other hand, consumers are increasingly selective in making the buying process of a product. On the other hand the company is always claimed to be more creative and to use every opportunity to further advance and develop. To overcome this there should be new breakthroughs in the business world, so as to support in achieving the success of a product being offered. With the increasingly keen competition also requires companies to continuously improve the quality and quantity of products produced for the more perfect and attractive, in order to compete in the market and to satisfy its customers. Factors relating to the purchase of a consumer that is composed of cultural, social, personal and psychological. From some of the psychological factor is the factor that comes from within the individual and consumer consideration in making a purchase. In the research emphasis on psychological factors because, although factors outside the individual (external) can influence consumer behavior, but at least the basic factors that affect consumer behavior from the individual's own self. Psychological factors are factors that are strong enough to influence and motivate a consumer to perform certain actions at some point in this case is the purchasing decisions for products, where consumer psiklogis factors which include: motivation, knowledge, beliefs and attitudes. An understanding of consumer behavior, particularly regarding the psychological factors become very important in the effort to improve corporate competitiveness kemamampuan. If the owner of the company's customers are able to understand the psychological factors, then it will have an impact on long-term benefits are far greater than its competitors. Understanding of these consumer aspects will provide the basis for preparation of the marketing strategy of our times and the future. In determining the purchase decision for a product so here the role of psychological factors provide a major role in the decision. Psychological factors are internal factors that give consumers a boost about what action should be done by consumers, including the selection of futsal. Futsal is a sport that is becoming the trend carried out by the community and is one of the favorite sport, in this case because in Indonesia is still the sort of football sport recently introduced. As a kind of sport that includes a new football then the community itself many who want to try or do these kinds of sports. Futsal is itself a kind of sport of football that does not require a vast place and can be done in a closed room, with the fact that the society evaluate the sport is more effective than the type of sport that other football. On the other side of this sport can be done at any time without any consideration of weather factors, lighting and other factors that may affect such as sports soccer field. Thus there are several advantages of this type of sport compared to other sports. Futsal is a game of football played by two teams, each consisting of five persons. There are similarities between futsal with the football field, where the purpose of this game is to put the ball kegawang opponent. Futsal for the first time, played in Montevideo Uruguay in 1930, and now one of the many sports that are popular in Indonesia. The development of sport is also an option for students, employees and society in general. So was the case in Malang, the development of this sport is growing rapidly and it is evidenced by the number of facilities or futsal field located in the city. Until the year 2009 there were eight futsal field with a variety of facilities offered. Various places futsal field services provider in Malang is offering a variety of facilities or advantages in addition to that, the manager also offers additional facilities that aim to attract the interests of the users of these facilities futsal field. Additional facilities are in the form of discounts or rebates on certain times and a draw a variety of prizes will be given to the consumer. In addition, when viewed from the number of visitors especially the students can know the increase in users of the facility. These results can prove that the manager of futsal field in Malang able to deliver the best to customers so that they remain faithful to use the facilities offered. The consideration of student selection as an object of 

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang