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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery 
2012-03-20 15:19:30 
Abstract :
The requirements of energy in Indonesia are increasing. Whereas the availability of fossil energy which during the time as represents of main source energy are very limited and straight to attenuate. As the consequence, always happened the extinction of electrics which is very bother the society activity. Based on the consideration of energy conservation and the environment, claimed us to exploit the wind energy that easily available and more friendlier environment. The wind energy can be exploited as the source of energy by using the wind turbine. Wind turbine is a windmill that used to arousing the electric power. In general, the wind turbine that used is a wind turbine with type of axis horizontal which using the comparison of gears as the router of energy, so it’s need more good maintenance because of it vitaly role. Besides, at horizontal wind turbine, a rotor diameter will strightly compare with electry power. More large diameter, also will be more electric that yielded. Based on the description above, the development of design wind turbine that was exist is conducted. The design apply of usage inning belts as transmission and also usage four rotor which seri - paralel design with smaller rotor dimentions, but can yield larger electric power. 

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang