PERANAN UNIT IDENTIFIKASI DALAM MENGUNGKAP KASUS BUNUH DIRI (Studi Tehadap Pelaksanaan Petunjuk Teknis Polri Di Bidang Identifikasi Di Polresta Malang)
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Yudhistira Wahyudi, Deka
K Law (General) 
2012-06-11 06:39:38 
Abstract :
The object of this thesis is what kind of actions taken to identify and reveal a suicide case? How is the implementation of the duty and authority of identification unit in revealing the suicide case? How is the description of the mechanism of identification unit do to reveal the suicide case? What are the obstacles faced by identification unit in revealing the suicide case, and how do they deal with it? This research applies a qualitative-deskriptive method, which describe and observe phenomena based on the informations gained from a study. This study is a condition that is real and connected with a literature study. This research is about Mrs. Juana Mercy suicide case taken from Polresta Malang, that the primary datas from the field are connected and related to the secondary datas. Based on the result of the research, the fact occurs is that the identification unit has some duty and authority in revealing a suicide case at the TKP, those are taking pictures, looking for evidences, observing latent fingerprints, and identifying face and identity. In doing his job, the identification unit (such as investigating officer and identification unit) has some orientations, those orientations are applied to lead the duty Polri to get earn knowledge and skills easier in their duty finding latent fingerprints at the TKP effectively and efficienly. Everything related to the implementation of the duty and authority carried by identification unit, still based on juknis and julkak applied, so that the description in handling the case is very general, in fact that between one case and another has the same handling orientation, but the are some exception in certain priority ordered in juknis and juklak which is explained in juknis No Pol. : Juknis/01//III/2000 tentang pencaraian sidik jari laten di TKP dan Juknis No. Pol. : /01/II/1982 about TKP handling. The TKP technical investigation point 2 says that in the implementation of the TKP investigation, the officers need to pay attention the action consecutively, but according to the condition and situation, it is possible to have a priority of action and activity based on the first time action in the TKP and the processing time as well. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang