OPINI WARTAWAN TERHADAP PELAKSANAAN HUBUNGAN DENGAN PERS (Press Relations) OLEH HUMAS PERGURUAN TINGGI DI MALANG (Deskriptif terhadap Wartawan Radar Malang, Malang Post dan Harian Surya)
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
NE Print media 
2012-06-12 04:36:26 
Abstract :
Public relation as equipment of modern management structurally represents integral part of education institution. Public relation was not separate function of institution function. The role of public relation in management an education institution can be seen from main activity based on the job programs of public relation that to be arranged and able to be executed. Public relation attempt to construct relation with press to publication about various job programs thus communication activity of education institution can run well with public as the target. Because of press able to be tools in the message and information delivery from public relation. Press has effective strong in making public opinion that has goal to invite public interest. The objective of the research was to know journalist opinion toward relationship implementation of press relations by public relation of University at Malang. Research type used was qualitative, namely comprehend phenomenon of subject that descript through words. Informant asked in giving information among others journalist of Radar Malang, Malang Post and Surya Daily Newspaper at education desk had job time minimize a year. Analysis technique uses descriptive qualitative which research, analyze, explain and descript data and facts as research formula toward materials obtained from interview that able to be used to solve a problem. A legitimate of data use triangulation technique that was checking technique of data legitimate use something out of checking needed. Data legitimate used was resourcetriangulation come from journalist of Radar Malang, Malang Post and Surya Daily Newspaper. From discussion of research result at previous chapter, researcher has a conclusion related with discussion in the research. Journalist opinion toward relationship implementation with press by public relation of University at Malang was there similarity of journalist opinion of Radar Malang and Malang Post about placement structurally of public relation of University at Malang only applied by: Muhammadiyah University of Malang, Brawijaya University and University of Malang. Journalist of Surya Daily Newspaper stated that public relation structurally had been applied entire Public University and private among others; UMM, ABM and Widyagama. Each of University had different opinion about public relation function only as information server and protocol. Journalist had same opinion about placement of public relation of University namely; entire of University at Malang had place public relation functionally because it acted as publication equipment to press. All of public relation at UMM, UB, UM, UNMER and UIN had been conducted. Journalist opinion about press relations was conducted by public relation of University stated by journalist of Surya Daily Newspaper and journalist of Malang Post whom added UNISMA. According to journalist of Radar Malang, besides above University, there were two Universities anymore namely UNIKAN and STIEMARA. Differences opinion about University held press relations also affected by publication effort where public relation had to choose correct media suitable with the goal of public relation to propagate message. The same opinion stated by journalist of Radar Malang and Malang Post about existence public relation in getting image was affected by publication to media by giving information that able encourage positive image. The different opinion stated by journalist of Surya Daily Newspaper namely to get positive image by good academic and it degree had work. Opinion according to journalist of Surya Daily Newspaper and Malang Post mentioned that UMM, UNMER, UB, UIN had good image and journalist of Radar Malang add with STIEMARA and UNIKAN. Based on journalist opinion about implementation of press relations with public relation, role of public relation as Two Way Symmetrical at University was affected by their effort to create positive image to their education institution. Public relation as information resources had to create cooperates proportionally and professionally with press as information media. It purpose to create understanding between institution and public, so that publication was conducted by public relation had goal to create positive image of University so that able to make public interest to the University. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang