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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
HB Economic Theory 
2012-06-14 03:41:21 
Abstract :
This research is case study at RSUD DR. R. Soedarsono Pasuruan, with the title " Applying Of Balanced Scorecard To Assess Performance of RSUD DR. R. Soedarsono Pasuruan". Target of this research is to know performance of RSUD DR R. Soedarsono Pasuruan with approach of Balanced Scorecard. Analysis tool is used to know what the hospital safe with Balanced Scorecard method is: First, In Finance perspective covered Earnings effectivity and level growth of earnings. Second, In Customer perspective covered the Amount of Patient, number of patient ophname, and number of new patient occasion take care, Third, In perspective of Internal Business cover ALOS, BOR, TOI, and BTO. In perspective Fourth, Study and Growth cover Rotation Of Employee Retention, Employee Training, and Absenteism. Result of analyze the hospital performance is down in finance perspective, effectivity earnings in the year to years progressively down from 124,75%, 122,97%, and 103,58%. Level of growth earnings to go down years to year, from 26,36% and 3,79%. In customer perspective, amount of patient increase from year to year to - 1,62% and 7,51%. number of patient ophname increase equal to 18,91%, 21,23%, and 23,32%. and number of new patient occasion take care to go down from 8,58% to - 0,14%. In internal business perspective, ALOS is not good of year to year equal to 3,96 day, 4,61 day, and 3,72 day, because can not full in standard. BOR is good from year to year equal to 54,61%, 71,19%, and 69,28%, because have full specified standard. TOI is good from year to years equal to 2,58 day, 1,46 day, and 1,65 day, because fulling specified standard. BTO not good from year to year equal to 70,32 times, 71,81 times, and 67,95 times, because do not fulling specified standard. In growth and study perspective, rotation of employee grow up of equal to 1,78% and 4,56% from year to year. Training of employee grow up equal to 14,43%, 11,03%, and 11,40% though in the year 2004 to 2005 have go down. Employee absence go down from year to year equal to 2,36%, 2,03%, and 2,01%, but showing the good condition. Base of the summary above, writer to conclusion in generally performance of RSUD DR. R. Soedarsono Pasuruan is good. Knowing from fourth perspective that is in perspective of finance, customer perspective, internal business perspective, and growth and study perspective. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang