ANALISIS KOMPARATIF USAHA TANI PADI HIBRIDA DAN PADI NON HIBRIDA (Studi Kasus di Desa belung Kecamatan Poncokusumo Kabupaten Malang)
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
S Agriculture (General) 
2012-06-21 04:31:13 
Abstract :
The extension of rice field irrigation for paddy was more difficult and expensive. Even, large of rice field, especially in Java Island tend to down as the effect of other sector development like public building, road and industry. Meanwhile field productivity by rice variety and culture technology was more difficult to be increased. This was caused the growth of rice productivity was not high and demand of rice was more difficult to be fulfilled as the effect of the growth of residence amount. Hybrid rice was suggested as solution to increase rice production. The objective of this research as follows, 1). To know cost difference, revenue of agricultural business of hybrid and non-hybrid rice. 2). To know how many acceptance and efficiency value of agricultural business of hybrid and non-hybrid rice in Belung village, Poncokusumo sub- district, Malang regency. Determination of research location was conducted by purposive in Belung village, Poncokusumo sub-district by data collecting method use primary data. Responder was selected in this region because at the research moment, farmers was getting help seed of hybrid rice. Sample taking method was conducted by purposive. The researcher uses this method because researcher conducted research was not by random except by purposive with consideration that in Belung village, Poncokusumo sub-district had agricultural business of hybrid and non-hybrid rice. Whereas amount of farmers responder who get seed help from government 21 responder, meanwhile non-hybrid farmers 23 responder in Belung village, Poncokusumo sub-district, Malang regency. The result of this research indicates that there were several different costs between farmer of hybrid rice and farmer of non-hybrid rice. That cost among others labor cost pre harvest and rice seed cost. Whereas average of cost total was expend by farmer of hybrid rice as 6.216.240,97 rupiahs for once process of rice agricultural business. And average of total cost of non-hybrid farmer as 6.575.852,2 rupiahs. Average production was obtained by hybrid rice farmer as 7379,11 per hectare with average of price 1909,12 / kg, thus revenue total as 14.087.660,14 per hectare for once process of agricultural business. Whereas for non-hybrid rice farmer average production was obtained as 6967,64 rupiahs per hectare with average of price 2004,35 / kg, thus total revenue as 13.965.571,28. The analysis result of different test for average of revenue was obtained significant level 0,558 (see appendix), because significant level > 0,05, thus accept Ho and refuse H1, it means that average of revenue hybrid and non-hybrid farmer was not real different. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang