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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Rachmawati, Dian
HB Economic Theory 
2012-06-27 03:52:26 
Abstract :
Human resource development is another opportunity that used to confront rival amid the development of technology and capital are easily reachable. Human resources are not only viewed as elements of production but rather human beings who have emotions and active personalities that can be used as the power to move the organizational unit. The position of human resource management is important in the development of innovation and create an atmosphere conducive working on each part so that a climate is created by maintaining the best clean up and repair the sinking. The hospital is a mediator of public sector organizations are directly related to the patient and human resources, so that automatically workers are required to think and make decisions with the condition of choice. This means that the hospital management is required to continue to explore the needs of workers with the development of science, technology and skills that will be implemented through the work program of systematic hospital. Examination of management (management audit) is one tool for evaluating the management system (in this sub-section personnel dr. Saiful Anwar Malang), so the assessment of management performance will be documented. The purpose of the assessment is not only an evaluation but it is one of the reference material that can be used to support the vision of the next mission. Efficiency and effectiveness are the benchmark used in the assessment so that the range of appraisal work program has been determined. The linkage between the effectiveness of management with efficiencies are closely related. Stages of the examination process will be conducted with the aim of obtaining the evidence as a basis for improved decision making through recommendations based on findings obtained so that there is no basis in advising jkritik authentic. Keep in mind in making a work program not only requires the input element, but the time and cost taken into account. The work program is focused on sub-section evaluated for the development of civil service human resources (workers) starting from the receipt, until the final selection is the responsibility of office, duties and authority. The reason is what causes that section should be evaluated as an indirect effect on the development of human resources (workers). The occurrence of inefficiency and ineffectiveness in the use of time and cost will automatically be minimized. Forms of evaluation in the form of suggestions and criticism to support the next decision and the realization of those results will be reflected in the work atmosphere. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang