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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
L Education (General) 
2012-06-27 07:51:32 
Abstract :
Sitepu (1999: 28) states that reading habits have not grown at the elementary and junior high students. Through reading people gain a new experience to explore the boundaries of space and time. One alternative to increasing interest and liking to read is the processing and management of a good library. departed from the conditions of this study was conducted to obtain an objective description of the contribution of libraries in improving students' reading interest Sudirman MI Malang in terms of (1) the contribution the library in improving students' reading interest, (2) library efforts in improving students' reading interest, ( 3) Constraints faced by libraries in improving students' reading interest, (4) ways in which libraries in overcoming these obstacles, (5) the level of student interest in reading. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Types of data collected in this study is all the information that comes from librarians, principals and students, whether oral, written, and the facts obtained in the field. The source data of this study is the librarian, school principals and students. In addition, the source of the data in this study are the documents library. Therefore, collecting data in this study using interview technique, observation and documentation study techniques with the help of instruments in the form of interview guides, observation and documentation study. The results of this study can be concluded that the contribution of libraries in improving students' reading interest Sudirman MI not optimal, that is only limited to penyediakan variety of reading materials and as liaison between the source of information with the wearer only. In this regard efforts are involving teachers in the selection of library collections and library promotion efforts on the students. Obstacles include problems experienced by school number and quality of human resources, facilities and infrastructure, as well financing problems. Ways used by the school to overcome the above is done by involving all elements of school teachers, principals, parents and librarians to work together to manage the library as possible. MI students' reading interest level Sudirman Malang is still lacking. It can be known from the habit of reading students only done when they are in school and not done well when they are outside school or at home. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang