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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
H Social Sciences (General) 
2012-06-28 03:02:17 
Abstract :
This research represent the research deskrptif with the method survey. This research entitle the " Analysis of Market Segmentation At Arena of Futsal Champion Matos Malang" internal issue Formula this research is " How characteristic of market segment at arena futsal Champion Malang ( side MATOS )?" Target of this research is know the consumer characteristic from arena of futsal Champion ( side MATOS) Malang. n this research is researcher use the sampel of counted 140 responder that is responder representing consumer playing in arena of futsal Champion Matos Malang. Data type needed in this research is primary data. That is first data multiply obtained is direct the than the data research location represent the result from at spreading of kuisioner to responder. Market segmentation of vital importance because used by grouping of various characteristic, desire requirement, and same consumer behavior. After market segment can be identified by seeing geographical difference, demographic, behavioral, psikografis and benefit segmentation is among buyer. After conducted by research of hence conducted by analysis cluster for the segmentation of market at arena futsal Champion Matos Malang and proceeds 3 segment. Pursuant to solution and analyse which have been conducted by hence inferential that market segment at arena futsal Champion Matos Malang that is consumer of segment 2. because consumer can reach the area of that futsal Champion Matos Malang seen from consumer residence, consumer can access the place from arena futsal Champion Matos Malang because distance of consumer residence of close to field futsal Champion Matos Malang besides its place strategic in the case of amount substansial, consumer of 2 segment this too many for one segment 1 and 3 that seen from amount of segment that is segment 1 there is 54 responder, at segment 2 there is 66 responder and at segment 3 or last there are 20 responder so that segment which is at most or have the amount enough substansial that is at segment 2. At 2 segment this also responder or consumer have the energy listen carefully which are positive or do well by the arena of that futsal Champion Matos Malang seen from responder like to play in arena futsal Champion Matos Malang, responder lick lips with field in arena Champion Matos Malang, responder also more playing at or frequency play at the more them that is responder play at the mean 2-3 times and it is true hobby responder and have become their activity to play in arena futsal Champion Matos Malang to keep in good health the responder body. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang