Abstract :
Cohesion is the relation between one sentences and another sentence, it
refers to the meaning in the sentence. Cohesion is divided into two types;
grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion. This research analyze grammatical
and lexical cohesion types in the song lyric of Q1 Album by Gamaliel. The
objectives of this research were to identify the kinds of grammatical and lexical
cohesion found in the song lyric and to know the most dominant type found.
Descriptive qualitative method was used to classify and analyze the data. This
research applied the theory of Halliday and Hasan to identify the types of
grammatical and lexical cohesion. The researcher found 217 cohesion items
which consist of 181 references, 1 substitution, and 16 conjunction in
grammatical cohesion. While in lexical cohesion, there are 11 reiteration (9
repetitions, 1 synonym, and 1 general word) and 8 collocations. The most
dominant type of grammatical cohesion is personal reference with 121 items or
around 55.7% and repetition with 9 items or around 4.1% in lexical cohesion.